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Jessie Robertson
Frog Conservation​
Ever since I can remember, I have been obsessed with frogs. I was ecstatic whenever I found ​one, and would spend hours at the zoo watching them hop and climb. However, despite frequently reading any information about frogs I found, it wasn't until I was 12 that I learned the threats frogs and other amphibians face, when I discovered the international frog conservation organization SAVE THE FROGS!.
In fact, amphibians are the most endangered group of animals on earth. Forty-two percent of the 7000 or so amphibian species are declining in population size, and nearly one-third of are endangered. They are facing numerous threats, such as climate change, over-harvestation, the spread infectious diseases, habitat destruction and more, all of which are caused by or exacerbated by human actions.
As someone who has always loved frogs, I felt very strongly about this issue. I believed it was important that I spread information about amphibians' plight, and contribute to the frog conservation effort myself. Since December, 2012, I have been donating to frog conservation organizations, creating artwork to spread awareness, animating and editing videos, giving presentations, and more. I even created a tower defense game with the help of my dad called Frog Defense. I also have a website called Fading Frogs, where I have a great deal of information about the threats amphibians face, why it matters, and a collection of work I have done for the amphibian conservation cause.

This is a photo I took of a Panamanian Golden Frog at the National Zoo. These amphibians are currently extinct in the wild, and the National Zoo is one of the only places where they are bred.
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