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About Me

This is me at the Smithsonian's National Zoo. Distributed around the park are gorgeous sculptures of various animals by different artists.  Here, I'm standing by my favorite!

      Welcome to my website! My name is Jessie Robertson. I was born in Memphis, Tennessee on April 6, 2000, and moved to Wilmington, North Carolina ten years later. I have always loved learning and have cared about doing my best in school. It's for those reasons that I would often spend much more of my time working on school projects and writing essays and papers than my peers, so that not only would I fulfill the requirements of the assignments, but so I could also creating something I would feel proud of. Many of my favorite art pieces and writing work are actually assignments I did for school. They did not have to be anything more than mere assignments, but because I wanted to make my teachers proud and to be proud of the work I did myself, I made those assignments into something more.


     However, while I've always enjoyed school, I have two even stronger passions, one of which being frogs. My love for frogs most likely came about from a toy my grandfather gave me when I was born, a stuffed frog fittingly named Froggy. As I grew to love the toy, I quickly grew an obsession for frogs and toads. As a child, I was completely enthralled 

whenever I would see frogs in picture books or see them mentioned in stories, and I would constantly point out how many frogs I would find in stores to my parents whenever we went shopping. In my free time, I would read frog books and look at the many different photos of frogs I could find online. And imagine how indescribably elated I was whenever I saw the real things! The funniest thing is that none of those traits of mine have changed in the slighted from then. If anything, I only love frogs even more than I did then. The only difference is that now instead of just loving frogs, I also take efforts to promote and contribute to frog conservation.


     My second passion is creating artwork. Just as I can't remember a time in which I didn't love frogs, I also can't remember at time in which I didn't enjoy creating artwork. Whether I was drawing, painting, or sculpting, I was fascinated by the idea that I could create whatever I could conceive, and that I could craft something that had never been made before. The sheer possibilities amazed and entertained me. One of my favorite things to do has always been to try new mediums, to explore different ways I could create different art pieces. What quickly grew into one of my favorite mediums when I was three and four was digital drawing. A little before I turned four, my parents gave me my own computer, an old one of one of theirs with a mouse small enough for my hands, and showed me how to draw in M.S. Paint. There were many things I loved about it, such as the ability to undo a couple mistakes, pour in solid colors instantly, and the fact that I could print out as many as I wanted without having to redraw it. It was simply unlike anything I had ever seen or worked with. Since then, I have grown to love other mediums as well, such as acrylic paint, paper mache, animation, colored pencils, markers, and more. Aside from only visual artwork, I also enjoyed other kinds of artwork, like writing stories, composing music, and creating websites like this one. Unsurprisingly, due to my great love of frogs and my passion for creating artwork, most of the artwork I have created has been of frogs.



© 2018 by Jessie Robertson

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