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Here's some more things you can check out!


I have written several essays for assignments about the amphibian extinction crisis! You can download and view two of my most recent ones to learn more about it by clicking on the icons below.



The first document is about frog die offs in general, and

focuses on why frogs are dying out, why it matters, and

what you can do about it!


Whereas the second is a  persuasive essay that argues

about the dangers of chytridiomycosis, and the need to

reduce the trade of amphibians in order to cease its spread.



Hopefully these help you in your own research!

Frog Defense Game!

Do you like tower defense games? I certainly do! My dad and brother helped me create my own tower defense game with frogs, where you can learn about different frog species as you play. Click here to play it!


Just some things before you play- you must have Adobe Flash Player for it to work! Furthermore, it often takes a little while to load. Don't worry if your screen is blank, just wait a little bit for it to get running! If it won't work, then try refreshing the page.


I have two other websites of mine you can check out! One is called Helping the Frogs, and it is very similar to this website. In fact, this is simply an updated version of it! By going there, you can learn more about amphibian declines, even if it is a little less professional.


My second website is called Jessie's Life So Far, and it is about the artwork I've created and the process that went into it! It, too, is out of date, but I hope to work on it again soon.



There are plenty of websites for you to look at that aren't mine, however! Here is a list of websites of some great organizations dedicated to conserving amphibians:



      FrogWatch USA


      Amphibian Ark

      Amphibian Survival Alliance

      Amphibian Specialist Group

      Frogs are Green




These websites are full of great content, and these groups do amazing things! If you really want to help amphibians, please support them!

Thank you so much for viewing my website, and thank you for helping save frogs and other amphibians from fading!


- Jessie Robertson


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